ASMBS Weekend in NYC Fast Approaching, June 14-16
Register today for next months 2018 ASMBS Weekend, June 14-16 in New York City. The 3-day clinical symposium offers attendees more than 17.5 CME/MOC/CE hours of education with surgical courses, including sessions on bariatric flexible endoscopy and integrated health. See this years courses and complete the registration form by clicking here.

ASMBS Leaders Add to Bariatric Surgery Literature with New Textbook
Prevention and Management of Complications in Bariatric Surgery is the first book to gather the newest prevention and management strategies in the field of bariatric surgery. The authors provide evidence-based recommendations for swift and accurate diagnoses of early-day, late-day, nd intraoperative complications, preventive strategies, and best practices in medical and surgical management of obesity. Edited by ASMBS Past President Philip Schauer, MD, the book features contributions from ASMBS President-Elect Eric DeMaria, MD, Senior Past President Raul Rosenthal, MD, and Past President Jaime Ponce, MD. Available now in digital copy, the hardcover edition will be available on Amazon later this month.

Apply for a Research Grant from the ASMBS Foundation
The 15th Annual ASMBS Research Grant Award Program, sponsored by the ASMBS Foundation and donated by
Dr. Stephen Scott and Family, is now accepting applications. The deadline to submit is Sunday, June 10 at 5:00 PM Eastern time. The grants awarded are for up to $25,000. To see more details about the application process, please click here.
OAC Developing New Tool to Help Individuals Find the RIGHT Obesity Care Provider
The Obesity Action Coalition (OAC) has announced its plan to launch a new resource for potential patients – an obesity care provier locator. The tool is designed to help the millions of individuals with obesity navigate a searchable zip code-based database to find a healthcare provider in their area who will help them manage their weight and improve their health. Additionally, the locator will feature a number of resources to help patients prepare for the conversation about weight and come to their first healthcare visit with all the information necessary. To learn more about the OACs provider locator and stay up to date on the OACs progress in developing this new tool, click here.
University of Minnesota to Convene 14th Annual Bariatric Education Days Conference
On May 24-25, the University of Minnesota will convene its annual one-and-half day course focused on ways to improve the care of patients with obesity throughout different stages of life. At this years event Bariatric Education Days: Managing Obesity Through the Lifespan, Samer Mattar, MD, President of ASMBS, will deliver a keynote address on the current state of weight loss surgery in America. The conference features experts in the field of obesity who will present the latest research and innovations in obesity, discuss controversies surrounding the complex disease, and new to this years course, is an integrative health coaching workshop. To learn more about the conference, please click here.